Reused by Catalyst Resources with permission from SCVO.

<aside> 💪🏼 Difficulty level: easy

Estimated time to complete: 30 mins


<aside> 👋🏽 This task will help you understand how your website performs on mobile devices.

It will help you spot any problems and make a list to take to your site developer.


<aside> 💁🏾‍♀️ Tip: add this page to your web browser’s bookmarks. That way you can easily find it again.



Mobile friendly websites are important because most of your users will access your site on a mobile device i.e. a phone or tablet.

If they have a bad experience with your website they are unlikely to try visiting it on a different device. They just won’t come back. Instead they’ll probably phone or email you for the information they were trying to find instead.

It’s quite easy to find out how accessible your website is on a mobile device. You can test it yourself.

Step 1

Get a mobile phone or tablet and load your website’s homepage.

Step 2

Carry out some tasks on your website. Make notes of anything that doesn’t seem easy to do. Try these:

Remember to make notes.

Step 3

Repeat this using a different mobile device. If you used a tablet, use a phone, and vice versa.

Step 4